Saturday, September 23, 2023

Scan of Start Point of the Universe

Scan of Start Point of the Universe 

My Grandparents were Terminators

-my attempt to save my grandparents from Hell when they died

-being no where prepared enough to make it to Heaven

-about 1987 at Christmas time I biked to the city next to Tauranga called Mount Maunganui

-to look to buy videos

-at a large video store they had a whole wall for sale. Of large hard cased Village Roadshow ones

-I bought two ROBOT themed ones

-Short Circuit and Terminator

-what I tried a couple of years ago was to use this

-to send two Terminator robots back

-that look like them , age etc

-and take their place being without true thought

-and put my grandparents in a copy each of my current unit

-lasting a long time keeping them from dying

-the Short Circuit video had a large cardboard lightning bolt appearing over the top of the cover

-maybe meaning a real long time even forever in their separate homes

-the homes have a mass of videos, books and comics

-and probably Internet music like Spotify and some sort of Internet TV and film supply

-and records etc too

-and there would be some sort of regular food supply

-I also tried to control their past lives on Earth. So they didn't have a lot to do but it steered them safely

-and the other thing I was able to do for them. I believe they both would be incredibly loved all over space

-these things partly making for when I didn't understand them. Now I have heard and know they are probably nice people. And back in 1995  it was probably not practical to start with helping around the house. I never had any real life skills help before I moved in to my Support Home 

Scan of Fruit from the Forbidden Tree

Scan of Fruit from the Forbidden Tree 

Jesus Christ and my Lives Compared

-the MANGER-the home of M. AGER the heart point of copies of my home around space and where the magic plant or ground is at the front doorstep

-Mary Magdalene- Jesus' slightly scarlet woman love interest. MAGDALENE  /  ADRIANNA the Internet Chat Hostess I approached years ago about having a full on open marriage

-Judas Iscariot the traitor- a wife like Lois.  JUDAS/LOIS CHARIOT/LANE

-Jesus's favorite Disciple SIMON PETER -my two flat mates I have had living with me during these miracles. Both exceptional people. Jesse WATKINS   and   James MCPETRIE

-King HEROD the ruler out to destroy baby Jesus-Jenette Kahn the DC Comics HEAD - HEAD ODD - RECORD unHEARD

-the DISCIPLES- the DESCENDENTS my sons half by sex and half by sperm dropped in the students 'currently' at Tauranga Boys College

-Simon Peter denies Jesus 3 times-over the years I have emailed DC Comics twice, US President , the Pope and New Kids on the Block to try to get them to read my Blogs because I was out of control with my magic

-the donkey that carries Mary-my living large soft toy I once had like the book characters the Moomins 

-the head of John the Baptist-Wonder Girl a DC Comics super-heroine I thought of like a mother in a way being badly disfigured really in the stories

-Jesus does miracles and spreads the word of Christianity like I do

-the CROSS-shaped like the Days of our Lives' Hourglass and the 'Otumoetai' College torch emblem

-JESUS  and   CHRIST  like the man I aspire to be like  CHRISTIAN   PAREDES

-HEROD the King out to destroy Jesus-like the maybe Anti-Christ threatening me at my grandparents' front door in 1992 looking like soap opera Doctor Peter HOLLAND. And Herod represents Jenette Kahn

-Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem his city of birth to be taxed-like I started all my Crisis/powerful magic going across to the Mount Maunganui by bus. To be TAXED. To achieve the powerful miracles maybe it meant me selling off a large chunk of my best comics and some other things. Like to make the trade

-Jesus CHRIST the CRISIS my term for the years of the really powerful miracles. MESSIAH my MONITOR missions my term for rocket and satellite missions

-the Holy Ghost-like I have almost a voice of force that talks to me and guides me

-SATAN took Jesus to the top of a MOUNTAIN and said I can give you anything-STAN Lee maybe being the same person at a MCDONALDS asked me what I would like to have . It was at the MOUNTAIN / KITCHEN  FOUNTAIN  /  Kitchen sink. After months of being angry with God over too much computer time I said out aloud I would give up my soul in exchange for all I wanted in life

-Jesus CHRIST like at my CONSERVATORY entrance grows the magic plant or ground that gives me my miracle power

-an angry Jesus almost kicking traders etc out of a Church-me and the chance I have been set up to be permanently banned from a list of companies and maybe even the Church and Bible used to keep me in the marriage or it will close

-the BAPtism of Jesus by John the BAPtist-me going to MARINE Parade at Mount Maunganui in March 2017 and repeating  BUP  BUP   BOP  over and over to do the first Monitor and start the Crisis miracles

-so 'We can have FORGIVENESS'- people in space can GIVE themselves just about anything they can think of FOR  FREE  based around my FRASER Street homes

-the group of story character animals I might have living with me. All as super-heroes as splits that come out of them that I call the Mighty Kings. They might be the baby KING in the MAN  AGER of ANIMALS


The Garden of Eden

 -the Garden of Eden is really at my address at140C Fraser Street Tauranga, New Zealand

-I think a plant growing near the front door of my home is the Forbidden Fruit Adam and Eve ate

-and it is what gives me my miracle powers

-where I hope to live for the rest of my life

-despite people wanting the property if I became famous or things go wrong

-one night two months ago. I biked to do Grocery shopping

-and bought $120 of Groceries. I was outside the supermarket loading them on my bike

-but feeling on the verge of COLLAPSE

-like the good chance the world will COLLAPSE with corrupt people and companies saying they will close if I don't do anything they say

-I went back in the supermarket and got help. I had them call an Ambulance

-I was at the supermarket for a while. It was a real OUT OF IT night

-like I eventually are OUT OF IT

-a supermarket Security Guard drove me to the Hospital and stayed with me for 7 hours

-tests were done. When I might have been prepped so one day all my life I will be basically living here

-maybe getting those same $120 load of Groceries appearing in my home each week

-I was partly DEHYDRATED that week before because of lack of food

-like my address when young 12 James Cook Street

-who was the Ship's Captain who first charted New Zealand

-at the end of the Street in paddocks I once saw in a ditch a full man's skeleton

-like saying I will die living in my home

-and from the sides of the hills then I heard LAUGHTER. As if LUCIFER

-a SECURIITY Guard drove me to the Hospital. Like I will be secure in my home

-the SKELETON I saw in a ditch to represent the SECURITY Guard setting me up in my home

-a Security GUARD helped me like to mean I always live at the GARDEN of Eden

-my property might be where the Garden of Eden is

-I was in the local Psych Ward in 2010 at a lower time. I swallowed a drawing pin. Like them eating the Forbidden Fruit. That night I was lying in bed wondering how I would cope. Suddenly both at the same time I pictured two images. Two costumes of genius super-heroes Mister Fantastic and Brainiac 5. It was an original costume but looked like the other two. The Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. God didn't want them to gain that. The fruit at my front door might be like that giving me God's Creation power. And I pictured the super hero power to create objects out of CRYSTAL as in CHRIST

-it might be that since that night at the Hospital with the Security Guard. I am now locked in my home. Still part of the real world. But when things go wrong/at the right moment I will wind up living separate and self-sufficient in my home

-Fraser as in Forbidden Fruit

-Garden of Eden


-like I thought my miracles were GUARANTEED the GARDEN of EDEN being there and those GROCERIES coming through each week is Guaranteed 

-I get at least from the Garden of Eden



-from the night set up with the Security Guard


Same Personality as David of the Bible

-decades ago I was sleeping downstairs because I had concerns about my breathing. Because of 'voices' I went and got in to the bed of an away client named DAVID. While I was in his bed an Israeli staff member named Orna went to the toilet while I was walking past. David later grew his hair very long. She was sitting on the toilet as I passed. I tried a few years ago to make me descended from David in some form. And Or/Na I tried to give David a copy of my Captain Marvel powers. I couldn't give him miracle powers because it needs the magic plant at the front door. Or/Na the first letter of a power was like the first letter of once base themed rooms of my home. The Maori man DAVID would grow his hair in really long DREAD LOCKS. David Dad. Really long like I am descended a long way down from him

-the Monitor rocket and satellite mission which was so much of my miracles idea. Even if I never did one in the end. Is shaped like stones and a sling. And the design of a Cross

-David and I have both stolen a number of women

-David's son ABSALOM hated him. Like my son like BART SIMPSON. His son died getting tangled in tree branches. Like some force took him and his brother from me. Like there was a client who would flirt with me. Who was massdebating in the lounge at the same time a Staff member was talking to me

-Daid's main wife was Bathsheba. Like Beast / Panther like the Panther Bagheera in The Jungle Book

-David was chosen by SAMUEL. Like Captain Marvel was chosen by SHAZAM

-David's cane shaped Shepherd's Crook. Like the golden screw I picked up marked POWERS and the strange Crook shaped bark a puppy I owned brought in

-David the SHEPHERD - like my magic providing plant at my front door STEP 

-I get really bad dream problems like SLEEP HARD

-David versus Goliath. The large companies Empire. And him versus the PHILISTINES. The PUBLISHER and HOLLY wood STARS

-DAYS oy our LIVES sounds like DAVID. And WINDSOR High for the WINDING sling and stone 

-I took a bus ride to Mount Maunganui. Thinking it might mean my MONITOR. A rocket mission like spinning around and firing satellites. Like David and his Sling and Stones. What happened is like GOLIATH it made my miracles SUPER POWERFUL

-like with GOLIATH part of why David is chosen may be he is there for the LITTLE people 

My Street is Iran of Revelations


-the 'Iran' of the Bible

-where the Anti-Christ is from

-is really a block partly with Fraser Street on it

-that late at night years ago I STREAKED / 'I-RAN' around

-along my side of Fraser Street, along 16th Avenue, and the right side of the circuit

-I paused when I might have heard SIRENS / Forbidden and hid behind a TREE on the edge on a home on the corner of my property

-like the 'Forbidden Tree' is at the corner or one block along from 16th Avenue and Fraser Street

-the SIRENS and the Forbidden Tree might mean the SERPENT

-maybe I was planned to streak around the block

-I might be a character in a type of drama / sci-fi series

-me streaking that night 

-and the TV episode playing the actor showing him in full running naked might have set up something really important to happen

-as I was leaving my Drive across in the units called the 'D&G' flats 

-like Anti-God or Anti-Christ

-a woman yelled out abuse

-maybe representing Jesus Christ not approving of me and my life

'D / G'- like saying 'GOD' Jesus Christ is like the 'JR' of the series

-'D / G'- like saying 'DC' Comics Jenette Kahn is also like the 'JR' of the series. Her haircut once like ' (     )'

-The Garden of Eden might have been on that block I ran around. And the Persia /Iran Revelations writes about might be that same one circuit of a whole Street block

-as I ran around the block I tried to pull my shoulders back and pull my stomach in

-could mean me getting my 

-list of super powers like I once had the first letter of each power the same as the first letters of once special themed rooms of my home

-and me getting the full looking body of a man I saw in a Fitness Add and I drew a line down the middle of his body on a photocopy of the Add

-and one side looked different / more Messiah like than the other

-I STREAKED around the block

-like my deal with John STEWART and Christine SCORINGE

-my shoulders pulled back and my stomach pulled in

-the TV series might be Days of our Lives. Maybe the channel was the maker's intent in having me streak. Like sands going down from the top hourglass chamber to the lower one

-I RAN like the sands run down

-I pulled my shoulders BACK and pulled IN my stomach. Like the series saying I am the ANTI Christ

-I STREAKED like makers of a TV series about me saying it is Jesus Christ's fault of my slips in my personality. Getting on a bus twice in a month and being corrupted by a man looking like Tony STARK as in STREAKING. And what happened to the New Teen Titans in their comic from the two stories called RUNAWAYS their lives went downhill for good almost

-an Instructor was taking me out on my Mobility Scooter. We stopped at his Op Shop. Up three blocks from my house. There a really large and thin long white box was being delivered by STAR Movers. Like saying there is a protective wall around my block that stops real bad problem people from me. STAR Movers as in STREAK


-my few blocks might be IRAN like I RAN around them. The area outside that might be BABYLON as in BAY OF PLENTY

 -our world in for a fall. With maybe everything closed. No power, water food etc. Because of 'D&G'. Maybe GOD / God spelt backwards. And because of DC. Jenette Kahn of DC Comics

Who Shot the Crewes?

Who Shot the Crewes? 

Descendant of the Haley Roots Family

  -my mother is Christine Ager who recently died

-and I finally think my father is

-Chicken George (Ley)

-Chicken George worked as a Cock Fighter

-like I just realized this

-when I saw the name of the seller I ordered my Roots novel from was

-Mark Mackinlay

-from Hawkes Bay

-like when I was young before 1977. I grew up in Havelock (Have Lock) North in Hawkes Bay

-Hawkes as in chickens

-I heard at my grandmother or grandfather's Funeral. She when wanting to live again in New Zealand after returning to England. Poked a pin in the map of New Zealand to pick a city to live in

-Mark Mackinlay as in Marky Mark

-like I wrote 300 better songs and aimed a dozen or so Captain Marvel super hero missions based on Marky Mark's routine. With a costume  like a rap outfit I saw him wear

-Mark Mac KIN LAY

-Kunta KIN te and Chicken George LEY 

-are my KIN

-maybe Chicken George set up that novel from that seller to say he is my father. And he LAY on my mother

-MARK MACKINLAY says Kinta Kinte and Chicken George Ley are my kin

-originally my mother Christine was going to have a large silver metal elephant buried with her

-like in Roots the Next Generations. Over Chicken George's grave is put up a largish chicken

-in Roots the TV mini-series Chicken George's surname is MOORE. After his father / slave owner. In real life his father's name is Thomas Ley

-in about 1986 a MARROW shaped object fell from my Pajama shorts and my CRUTCH

-Mark Mackinlay as in Marky Mark where I tried to sleep around in space getting people pregnant

-on a framed photo I inherited from my mother. I am on a balcony deck with grandmother. On her blue dress are designs like Chicken Wings

-when I was young in Havelock North near our home was a man sized concrete tunnel. Like a favorite TV series of mine when young called The Time Tunnel. There was a creek by it. A few times I saw by that an Old West style wagon wheel

-Chicken George had to work a long time in England and stay away from his family too when he returned to be a slave with papers saying he is free. Like I first had magic thoughts in 1995. Then they weren't real until I moved in my own home in  2008.  Then it was not until 2017 things came  together. And then I might have spent close to a year out from things. To stop a fall for everywhere. That year started the night I came close to collapsing after a massive Grocery buy. GEORGE as in GROCERIES     

 -I might be descended from the family Tree in the novel and TV mini-series called Roots

-starting with the African Kunta Kinte

-sent to the US where he became a slave

-KUNTA KINTE like I think former comics head Jenette KAHN has set me up to be the same as a slave. But far worse

-I think I might the son from his grandson

-Chicken George

-the key framed photo I just inherited from my mother. Like passing down the line

-of me on a balcony deck with my grandmother May Ager


-she has a light blue dress on with designs over it like CHICKEN wings

-like being on a deck. I in a magazine on a table in front of a downtown bookstore

-on the star 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg. Imagined I saw impossible fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced. He too was on a stage

-maybe meant to say they looked like slave chains

-my mother Christine Ager is doing something like with her Funeral

-having a largish silver elephant buried with her

-like above Chicken George's grave was mounted a large Chicken

-I might be the son of Chicken George (Moore)

-MOORE as in the MARROW shaped object that fell from my Pajamas shorts

-like someone telling me I am DESCENDED from Chicken George MOORE


-as in ROOTS in 1986

-Chicken George maybe before or after he married having sex with another woman than his wife Matilda 

-MATILDA like I recently had a dream a boy from my Year in 180 called me MATTY. Like Chicken George called his wife TILDY. And the boy looked like a man I want to look like from a Finess Add and lived in the same Darraghs Road as me

-like early on in my life I lived in James COOK Street

-in Havelock North. HAVE LOCK

-and Chicken George was an expert COCK Fighter

-COCK like the Marrow shaped object that fell from my Pajama shorts

-a MARROW shaped object fell from my crutch. Like tthe first slave in the family is the son of OMORO

-ROOTS like my miracles come from the plants or ground near my front door

-Chicken George's father is named Tom Moore in the mini-series. But in real life it was Tom Lea

-I just bought on Trade Me the novel Roots from Mark Mackinlay. As in Marky Mark

-the book Roots I read might not be accurate always with some parts maybe wrong. And the first two episodes of the 2016 series of Roots had a different story

-maybe my relatives like Chicken George and Kunta Kinte got involved and helped set up the miracles on this Blog. Or maybe I am descended from them and someone set up the miracles involving events from their lives

David the Shepherd David the King

 -I might have the same personality as David of the Old Testament -God's chosen one -decades ago near my grandparents' home I was on...