Saturday, September 23, 2023

Descendant of the Haley Roots Family

  -my mother is Christine Ager who recently died

-and I finally think my father is

-Chicken George (Ley)

-Chicken George worked as a Cock Fighter

-like I just realized this

-when I saw the name of the seller I ordered my Roots novel from was

-Mark Mackinlay

-from Hawkes Bay

-like when I was young before 1977. I grew up in Havelock (Have Lock) North in Hawkes Bay

-Hawkes as in chickens

-I heard at my grandmother or grandfather's Funeral. She when wanting to live again in New Zealand after returning to England. Poked a pin in the map of New Zealand to pick a city to live in

-Mark Mackinlay as in Marky Mark

-like I wrote 300 better songs and aimed a dozen or so Captain Marvel super hero missions based on Marky Mark's routine. With a costume  like a rap outfit I saw him wear

-Mark Mac KIN LAY

-Kunta KIN te and Chicken George LEY 

-are my KIN

-maybe Chicken George set up that novel from that seller to say he is my father. And he LAY on my mother

-MARK MACKINLAY says Kinta Kinte and Chicken George Ley are my kin

-originally my mother Christine was going to have a large silver metal elephant buried with her

-like in Roots the Next Generations. Over Chicken George's grave is put up a largish chicken

-in Roots the TV mini-series Chicken George's surname is MOORE. After his father / slave owner. In real life his father's name is Thomas Ley

-in about 1986 a MARROW shaped object fell from my Pajama shorts and my CRUTCH

-Mark Mackinlay as in Marky Mark where I tried to sleep around in space getting people pregnant

-on a framed photo I inherited from my mother. I am on a balcony deck with grandmother. On her blue dress are designs like Chicken Wings

-when I was young in Havelock North near our home was a man sized concrete tunnel. Like a favorite TV series of mine when young called The Time Tunnel. There was a creek by it. A few times I saw by that an Old West style wagon wheel

-Chicken George had to work a long time in England and stay away from his family too when he returned to be a slave with papers saying he is free. Like I first had magic thoughts in 1995. Then they weren't real until I moved in my own home in  2008.  Then it was not until 2017 things came  together. And then I might have spent close to a year out from things. To stop a fall for everywhere. That year started the night I came close to collapsing after a massive Grocery buy. GEORGE as in GROCERIES     

 -I might be descended from the family Tree in the novel and TV mini-series called Roots

-starting with the African Kunta Kinte

-sent to the US where he became a slave

-KUNTA KINTE like I think former comics head Jenette KAHN has set me up to be the same as a slave. But far worse

-I think I might the son from his grandson

-Chicken George

-the key framed photo I just inherited from my mother. Like passing down the line

-of me on a balcony deck with my grandmother May Ager


-she has a light blue dress on with designs over it like CHICKEN wings

-like being on a deck. I in a magazine on a table in front of a downtown bookstore

-on the star 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg. Imagined I saw impossible fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced. He too was on a stage

-maybe meant to say they looked like slave chains

-my mother Christine Ager is doing something like with her Funeral

-having a largish silver elephant buried with her

-like above Chicken George's grave was mounted a large Chicken

-I might be the son of Chicken George (Moore)

-MOORE as in the MARROW shaped object that fell from my Pajamas shorts

-like someone telling me I am DESCENDED from Chicken George MOORE


-as in ROOTS in 1986

-Chicken George maybe before or after he married having sex with another woman than his wife Matilda 

-MATILDA like I recently had a dream a boy from my Year in 180 called me MATTY. Like Chicken George called his wife TILDY. And the boy looked like a man I want to look like from a Finess Add and lived in the same Darraghs Road as me

-like early on in my life I lived in James COOK Street

-in Havelock North. HAVE LOCK

-and Chicken George was an expert COCK Fighter

-COCK like the Marrow shaped object that fell from my Pajama shorts

-a MARROW shaped object fell from my crutch. Like tthe first slave in the family is the son of OMORO

-ROOTS like my miracles come from the plants or ground near my front door

-Chicken George's father is named Tom Moore in the mini-series. But in real life it was Tom Lea

-I just bought on Trade Me the novel Roots from Mark Mackinlay. As in Marky Mark

-the book Roots I read might not be accurate always with some parts maybe wrong. And the first two episodes of the 2016 series of Roots had a different story

-maybe my relatives like Chicken George and Kunta Kinte got involved and helped set up the miracles on this Blog. Or maybe I am descended from them and someone set up the miracles involving events from their lives

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