Friday, May 3, 2024

David the Shepherd David the King

 -I might have the same personality as David of the Old Testament

-God's chosen one

-decades ago near my grandparents' home I was on the main Road

-across the Road was a Chemist / Pharmacy that might have been named



-I saw standing close to the back of the store

-a man, maybe the right height or slightly tall. Dark brown hair two thirds down each side of his face

-poking out on each side a bit like a PYRAMID

-he was in bare feet. I wondered if he worked there

-it was in a bookstore about next door years ago the man looking like Walt Disney bought me the book of Disney stories

-like him saying I am like David

-Published by PARRAGON. As in KING Arthur PENDRAGON

-PARRAGON like the man's Pyramid shaped hair

-his hair partly like mine




-once I saw a local man like Superman walking past those stores. He has bullied me several times. For some reason that time he had a beard

-Superman like Goliath

-maybe even a man like Superman was the father of David's children or some of them

-his bare feet and Pyramid shaped hairstyle. Years ago I saw an old photo of my grandfather as a soldier in WW2. He was swimming in the sea at Egypt. He was standing up with a leg raised and one FOOT just above the waterline about his waist

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

TV Soap

 -about 1992 I was looking in a supermarket at an Australian magazine called TV Soap

-I saw a cast photo of Days of our Lives. It was a big cast in the photo. The cast were standing on rising plank like seating

-I saw a cast member in the group. He looked like my relative Jim DOWLING

-there was never an actor in that series or any where else who looked like him

-the episode I saved my grandparents or maybe the point I had realized I saved them years ago

-at Christmas about 1987. I had some money. I biked to the next town and there was a large video rental store there. It was strange for 1987. There was a wall of new videos for sale. Maybe most in large cases

-I bought two robot themed ones. Short Circuit and Terminator

-so decades later tried to put each of my grandparents separate in copies of my home

-and in their place on Earth were only life like but unthinking doubles

-I don't think my grandparents were proper Christians. I asked my grandmother if my grandfather was a Christian when he was ill. She said he was. And after that the only times I thought of this it flashed through my head

-and another maybe episode. My older relative Jim DOWLING. A DOWRY is a gift an Indian woman's parents give the husband's family

-so that might say I never marry. I never have a real marriage or partnership

-about the main problem I have. A wife one day



-and when she was young she tattooed 'CA' on her hand

-the initials of Christine Ager and Anti-Christ and 666

-her married name sounded something like SCORINGE

-in Revelations it say God puts sores like from SCORPIONS on those who put 666 on them

-so if I can at the point I bought those two robot videos

-my mother's real self went to live in a copy of my home

-like my grandparents they might each stay in the copies partly dead for a long time

-the fake Jim Dowling in the photo like my grandparents were really only fakes 


-I try to say from the time I bought the two videos the real version of my mother has been in a copy of my home

-my mother Christine died and left me $780, 000. Meaning I can put aside fears I have had for decades. That because of my large number of really bad mistakes. People will find out. And all will turn on me maybe savagely. The idea of looking for work or doing courses is impractical and scary. And if my flat mate one day leaves I are unable to find a new one. With this money it means I can live on it. I'm 55 I can live on it for 20 years and not need to work or have a flat mate. I made some mistakes and stopped writing to my mother. I was partly getting confused with paranormal ideas. She died in a Rest Home from cancer I learnt. If I had known about that I would have never stopped writing. She didn't tell people about that outright and still left me that money which has set up my life. Including roof repairs. Without her money I would have lost this home that provides my miracle powers. I have for the past several years been rebuilding my comics collection from where I had a phase I would sell them cheaply to get money to buy more to scan and Post. I was looking on Trade Me at the 500 page Showcase Challengers of the Unkown. It has a small boat and a massive octopus on the cover. About my grandparents and my first trip to visit Tauranga about 1976 we stayed at a Motel by the water. An elderly woman they had met made me a small carved boat. A couple of years ago in the middle of the night an injured bird was outside my bedroom glass sliding door trying to get in. There were a couple of cats circling around. Just behind on a shed was my large sign including of a large Cross. Another time I was moving a Recycling Bin that hadn't been moved for a long time. There was a mother hedgehog and four babies under it. Like their spikes like the needle my mother tattooed 'CA' on her hand. The Bins were by the front glass sliding Conservatory door. I would have put the Bin back and left them. But back then I always did what forces in my mind told me to so I shifted the family of them to behind that shed out back. The CA she tattooed on her hand like the initials of 'Alternative Earth'. The picture on the cover of that book of a giant monster octopus. It's tentacles and the hedgehog spikes. Maybe meaning the tentacles around a Hell Child on someone in one of the Alternative Earth effects. I was at a Flea Market at a School out in the country with my class in 1977. I almost came face to face with New Zealand Kids TV Presenter Andy. He had a look of Jesus Christ to him. ANDY / ANTI Christ. The Challengers of the Unknown book I could have bought was sold by ANDY FISH. And the carved boat the woman made me looking like the small boat on the cover. The Alternative ways of the animals by the glass sliding doors. So maybe like my mother CHRISTINE saved me and my house. Somehow she has prevented an Alternative Earth

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

King of Atlantis

-decades ago near my home

-I was standing on one side of the Road. On the other side might have been a Pharmacy named


-as in ANTI Christ or AGER


-I from across the Road saw a man standing about the back of the Pharmacy

-slightly tall, slightly long brown hair, at the sides sticking out at an angle like a Pyramid

-he was in bare foot. I wondered if he worked there


-my mother said my father told her / was named



-when she was young she tattooed CA on her hand in a sewing class

-A as in for Atlantis

-C like a protective dome over it

-she made a tattoo with a sewing needle

-about the end of the 1990s I took a pin and made a couple of pin cuts in to a slightly large pinkish lump on my left thigh. The cuts still show

-like in the Sword in the Stone WART pulls out a sword from stone to become King Arthur




-on my right wrist I have three oven burn parallel burn lines. Like a Trident

-when I was young I lived in James Cook Street. Captain James Cook was the first to chart New Zealand. The Street name after the Captain who charted New Zealand says something. And he missed Atlantis when charting our country

-I had a younger friend named STUART who lived on the corner of our Street. About when we moved to Tauranga something like their washing machine overflowed over the floor

-I think maybe Atlantis exists where STEWART Island is. Ste WART like that's why I have a WART shaped lump on my left thigh

-Stewart Island is the bottom of New Zealand's three main Islands. The Maori name is Rakiura. And means GLOWING SKIES like a dome over Atlantis

-in comics Aquaman's real name is Arthur. So King Arthur of England and King Arthur of Atlantis

-New Zealand's Maori name is AOTEAROA like ARTHUR

-where the Pharmacy was is also about where the man looking like Walt Disney bought me the Disney book 

-about 1981 I was with a friend from next door and his family in their car. We had driven out in the country to maybe an out of it feel to it. Orange liquid came shooting out of my nose and mouth like water flooding Atlantis

-my mother Christine Maragaret Ager's tattoo of a 'CA' on her hand. Maybe Atlantis did it to her to show she was descended from Atlantis. Maybe her Genitor father was from Atlantis. She did that in a sewing class with a needle. I am her oldest child. So like I made marks with a pin in a thigh lump like their dome. Maybe I am King now. She died about a year ago. My mother's and my pins. Like when we used them they were like Tridents of Atlantis and the Trident made her Queen and me King



-I maybe along the way made the New Zealand legends of the Maori true

-a HALF God named MAUI

-as in M-A-U-i

-or 'M' atthew 'A' ger 'You' and 'I'

-and the nearby mountain MAUAO where the MONITOR rocket comes out of

-MAUI the Maori Half-God like me like a MESSIAH

-he is somehow me

-he pulled up the North Island of New Zealand

David the Shepherd David the King

 -I might have the same personality as David of the Old Testament -God's chosen one -decades ago near my grandparents' home I was on...